What is the first thing you do the moment you wake up in the morning?
Since the start of my career, morning has always been a rush hour for me. In my mind, I used to think there was so much to do, and so little time. The first thing I used to do in the morning was to check my emails, browse the newspaper, get ready and rush for the office, that’s it, I was already into stressful overdrive mode daily.
Then one fine day, my Life Coach hubby Vinit recommended a book named “Miracle Morning” to make morning effective and it was sort of an eye-opener for me. It changed my morning routine altogether and in turn, it made the whole day much productive. I realized – “Every day you and I wake up, we face the same universal challenge: to overcome mediocrity and live to our full potential”, but this book by Hal Elrod actually gave me a recipe to overcome that challenge.
So, what’s the recipe for miracle morning according to Hal? Its life “SAVERS”.

Life S.A.V.E.R.S. is an acronym, a 6-step ritual of ten minutes each that we can follow one hour before our usual wake up time.
Silence – A key purpose of the Miracle Morning is to reduce the stress in our lives through practicing silence for a few minutes each morning, as opposed to frantically chasing to-dos and having your brain in overdrive mode.
Affirmation – A positive self-talk is a powerful tool, used by many professional athletes, actors, successful entrepreneurs, and even authors. Say out loud your positive values, like “I am confident”, “I am smart”, “I influence and help people”.
Visualization – Your affirmations usually make sure you keep your long-term vision in mind. Your visualizations help you take the baby steps you need to actually get there. You picture yourself doing the work that you have to do today, in order to make progress.
Exercise -The point of this is not to do a full-blown workout or run for an hour. You just want to get some blood flowing. You don’t need any equipment. Just pick 2-3 exercises and do a set of 10-30 of each, depending on how you feel.
Reading – You’d be surprised how much you can actually read in 10 minutes. Limiting yourself to only 10 minutes has a lot of benefits. Imagine doing this for one year. You’d have read 3650 pages or roughly 18 books!
Scribing – Take a few minutes to write down your thoughts, feelings, and insights. You will always learn something. And you will be surprised after 3-4 months, by the learnings you would gather with this scribing.
Millions of people transformed their morning completely with this Miracle morning technique of S.A.V.E.R.S. so did I and I am sure it can be very helpful for you too.
Thank you!!